Science fiction convention art shows are a great venue for a number of reasons. You can find anything even tangentially related to the genre, whatever your proclivities are – literature, art, comics, movies, TV shows, games, cosplay and many more. The art show is always fun. Lots of stuff to look at, and anyone can show their art, regardless of skill level.
I’ve attended many SFF conventions over the last 30 years or so, and one of the themes I’ve noticed throughout are: Cats With Wings. Most of the time, they are depicted as cute, cuddly animals, prancing around chasing butterflies or fairies. The World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) for 2016 was held in Kansas City, MO. in mid-August, so this post is a little late. I showed a few art pieces at the art show. I created a couple of versions of Cats With Wings for this show, to show along with some other related art. I wanted mine to be a little more menacing than cute, so I gave them bat wings instead of the feathered bird wings I usually see. Also, they are totally-black cats. Bat wings. Cats. Batcats. There are larger images in the SFF gallery.

Batcat 2. Prismacolor pencil on black matboard. 5×7 inches. 2016.

Batcat 1. Prismacolor pencil on black matboard. 5×7 inches. 2016.