I’ve been doing some abstract non-representational art lately. This direction fits in with the theme of the latest show at Raices Taller Gallery and Workshop show, Creative Solutions. Artists were invited to show work that exemplifies new directions for art and life. So this was a timely show for me, as I’ve been trying out new things in my artwork.
I created two pieces from old canvases that with which I was no longer happy. I often paint over art that has been sitting around for years, and that I’ve lost a connection with. So many of my current pieces have been painted over once or twice. So, if you ever see a piece of mine that you like, better say so and buy it before it gets painted over.
With this direction, I’m more interested in exploring the color, line, shape and feeling of the artwork. This frees me up from the notion of trying to depict something in particular, like a portrait or landscape. It’s all about the elements of design and painting, rather than trying to capture what I see. I’m still capturing the “moment”, it’s just being captured in a more expressing, rather than a realistic, way.

By Your Command. Oil on canvas. 2018. Original is 20 x 24 inches.

Bitter Ineptitude. Oil on canvas. 2018. Original is 14 x 18 inches.